Sustainability and Tradition in Mezcal Production: A Look at Hudson Valley Wine Bars

Mexico is known as the country of agaves, or magueyes , which grow in almost every state of the country. Generally, plants of the genus Agave are monocotyledonous, identified by their rosette structure and long life span, and have ground-level basal shoots or aerial bulbils with reproduction that can be sexual by seed or propagated vegetatively . All Agave species are native to the American continent, and the central region of Mexico is considered the centre of origin for this segment. Day by day, the word " mezcal " has evolved from a generic name to a more specific word used to describe the distilled beverages produced under the official Mexican standard by the DOM. This definition states mezcal as a "Mexican distilled a lcoholic beverage, obtained by distillation of fermented juices with cultivated microorganisms, 100% from maguey or agave. Those plants for beverages are extracted from mature heads of maguey or cooked agaves, harvested in the territory covered by...